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This tinture is made from organic herbs. Some tinctures are made with a base of olive oil, apple cider vinegar, or 80-100 proof alcohol. 


Oregano: Oregano oil has so many benefits including anti viral/fungal/microbial properties. Use when you feel sickness creaping in to take advantage of it being a natural antibiotic. It can also help with inflammation, allergies, indigestion / digestive issues, parasites, bacterial, and fungal infections. Take one tsp 2-3 times a day (up to 10 days) or apply to affected skin area.


Black Seed: Black seed oil has powerful medicinal properties. It can help with headaches, back pain, high blood pressure, infections, or treat acne. It can benefit skin and hair health, reduce inflammation, and support weight loss. Take one tsp 2-3 times a day or apply to affected skin area.

Herbal Tinture

  • Glass, amber bottle with dropper top.

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